Looking for a career in healthcare? You’ll find everything you need here. Wisconsin Health Careers offers information about a wide variety of healthcare jobs and information about the demand of the career, what classes to take, where you can go to school in and around Wisconsin.
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Behavioral Health Counseling
Professionals provide counseling and direction to people dealing with challenges and limitations such as, psychologist, mental health counselor, and pastoral counselor.

Admin Management
Professionals oversee the day-to-day or marketing operations of healthcare facilities such as, medical coder, marketing specialist, and health information technician.

Professionals perform oral examinations, identify, and treat problems with the teeth and mouth such as, dental hygienist, dental lab technician, and dentist.

Direct Patient Care
Professionals provide services directly to individuals being treated for physical or mental illnesses such as, nurse, sonographer, physician assistant, and EMT.

Information Biotechnology
Professionals develop scientific advances in genetics, biochemistry, medicine and other critical fields such as, biomedical engineer, cardiovascular technologist, and nuclear medical technologist.

Therapy Rehabilitation
Professionals assist patients in returning to a life of better health, greater independence and improved social interaction such as, physical therapy, speech language pathologist, respiratory therapy, and radiation therapy.

Public Health & Environment
Public health professionals work to prevent public health-related problems by implementing health education programs. Environmental health professionals study the natural and manmade resources that contribute to the health of our planet such as, health educator, health unit coordinator, and public health professional.

Pharmacy, Lab & Research
Pharmacy professionals dispense medication, consult with patients on medication usage. Laboratory professionals work to analyze a variety of biological specimens and perform scientific testing. Research professionals analyze materials and publications and develop research methods such as, clinical/medical lab technologist, phlebotomist, pharmacist, and perfusionist.

Integrative Care
Integrative care professionals take a holistic approach to patient care. Veterinary professionals diagnose and treat animals. Optical professionals help patients with visual impairments improve their functioning. Examples are chiropractor, veterinarian, Optician, and home health aide.